A post written by Uncle Bob in January (I'm behind my reading list) offended me. I absolutely agree with Uncle Bob's analysis regarding the code itself, and I also prefer the refactored version, but I have a problem with insulting the programmer(s) reluctant to appreciate the change.
We write code in programming languages, and there are different levels of proficiency in a language.
As I'm currently learning a new spoken language, I'm painfully aware of this - initially I probably sounded like a caveman. The first impression you get about me is totally different depending on the language I speak - but I am the same person!
The learning curve of a language is not smooth - the steepness between consecutive levels of proficiency is different. Going from not speaking any German to speaking A1 (tourist) level was easy, getting the basic grammar required for the low intermediate (B1) level wasn't too bad, but to get my German to the level where my English is will take more effort than the sum of all my previous investments1.
Since it is my third foreign language I'm learning, I have no difficulty accepting that the level I think I speak is higher than the level I actually speak. Because of that, whenever someone rephrases my sentences in proper German 2, I start from the assumption that likely their version is better, even if I don't understand first why - and I take the effort to understand their reasoning 3. I do that despite that I was of course convinced that when I spoke, I expressed my thoughts in the best possible way.
However, I don't have much at stake - no ego to hurt, no reputation to loose, and the roles are clear: I'm the beginner, and the people around me are the more experienced ones. In a software team, the roles might not be so clear - I had told colleagues almost twice my age how they should write code after only a few weeks of working there. Bad idea. Since then, I have learned not to start improving the coding style of a team by rewriting the code they have written, and showing off how much better my version is. Rather, I wait until a situation arises when they don't mind having me demonstrate some code improvements. I demo it, and explain why I do it that way. In my experience, the second approach is more effective, though it doesn't have that instant satisfaction and relief the first provides.
As the joke goes, you need only one psychologist to change a light bulb, but the light bulb has to want the change real bad.
Driving Technical Change is hard, because it requires a mental/cultural change, and that change has to come from the inside - but can be catalyzed from the outside of course4. But just forcing practices or ways of working on unwilling recipients generates resistance (e.g.: the story of the EU technocrat appointed to recalculate the 2009 Greek budget).
I would like to see more public code reviews and public refactorings (e.g.: Andrew Parker, GeePawHill), but I would like to see less public judgement passing on people at the lower proficiency levels of programming.
1 there is a great Hanselminutes episode on learning a foreign language if interested. Beware, it may contain programming!
2 German readers might disagree, since most Germans I meet speak Frankish :)
3 Which of course, is sometimes harder for natives to properly explain than for novices to ask questions pointing out the seeming irregularities of the grammar
4 And we won't always be able to foster change in all environments (note: this does not mean the others are at fault for not changing!). The same programmer can be highly productive in one team, and be the one slowing down another team. There is nothing wrong with changing jobs after realizing we are a net loss to a given team.